Chirality Insight
Business today unlike in the past 10years has advanced and experience potential growth. I couldn’t help but imagine what the workforce looked like 20years ago today. How fast was email delivery between colleagues?
Creating a Workplace Paradise: Fostering Employee Well-Being and Productivity
Creating A Workplace Paradise: Fostering Employee Well-Being And Productivity In today's fast-paced corporate world, the significance of a positive and supportive work environment cannot be overstated. A workplace should ideally be a haven that nurtures creativity,...
Achieving Synergy in a Sales Team: Greater than the Sum of its Parts
Achieving Synergy In A Sales Team: Greater Than The Sum Of Its Parts Over the years, there has been a long debate if the Sales department of an organization is the engine room or not. As expected, there are various views both for and against. However, the question...
The Power of Intangible Business Capital: Honesty and Trust
The Power of Intangible Business Capital: Honesty and Trust In the fast-paced world of business, where competition is fierce and success often elusive, it's crucial to understand that capital isn't just about money and assets. There's another type of capital...
Performance Review: Success Audit not Witch-hunting
Performance Review: Success Audit not Witch-hunting Yaba is a bustling metropolis. Regarded by the techpreneurs as the Silicon Valley of Lagos state, Nigeria. There existed a vibrant tech company named Crunchy Codes. Among its talented employees, there was a...
Unleashing Strategic Planning for Business Success
Unleashing Strategic Planning for Business Success Introduction In the dynamic realm of Nigerian entrepreneurship, ideas are the sparks that ignite businesses. Yet, in the pursuit of launching and thriving, most business founders do not consider the strategic aspect....