The Power of Intangible Business Capital: Honesty and Trust


In the fast-paced world of business, where competition is fierce and success often elusive, it’s crucial to understand that capital isn’t just about money and assets. There’s another type of capital that’s equally, if not more, important: intangible capital. In this article, we’ll explore the significance of honesty and trust as essential components of intangible business capital.


The Three Kinds of Business

Before delving into the role of honesty and trust in business, let’s briefly discuss the three kinds of business. Just as in nature, where different seeds yield different crops, businesses can be categorized in three ways:

1. Survival Business: These are businesses focused on short-term gains, like putting food on the table or meeting immediate needs. They are akin to annual crops, quick to grow but short-lived.

2. Success Business: Similar to biennial crops, success businesses aim for more significant gains over a longer period. They provide value and seek to shine in their niches.

3. Significance Business: These businesses are like perennial plants, lasting for years and often becoming institutions. They focus on making a lasting impact, generating wealth, and leaving a legacy.

The type of business you’re in depends on your goals and motivations. Are you in it to survive, succeed, or make a significant difference?


The Role of Honesty and Trust

Now, let’s dive into the heart of our discussion: honesty and trust as intangible business capital.

Honesty: Honesty is the foundation upon which a business’s reputation is built. It means being forthright, sincere, and trustworthy in all your dealings. Honesty is about delivering on your promises and providing real value to your customers.

Dishonesty in business can take many forms, from outright lying to covering up mistakes. But the consequences are universal and severe. It damages your reputation, erodes trust, and often leads to business collapse.

The law of cause and effect reminds us that dishonesty eventually catches up with us. The collateral damage to your conscience and the creation of a false persona can have long-lasting psychological effects.

Trust: Trust is the result of honesty. When customers trust your brand, they believe in your reliability and ability to deliver on promises. It goes beyond the honesty of your words; it’s about the quality of your products, your consistency in delivery, and your commitment to customer satisfaction.

Building trust takes time and effort, but it’s an invaluable asset for any business. Trust allows you to attract and retain customers without the need for excessive marketing. It’s what sets great brands apart from the rest.


The Nigerian Perspective

In Nigeria, as in many parts of the world, there’s a history of scams and fraudulent activities. However, this culture of dishonesty has often held the nation back from achieving its full potential.

Businesses that prioritize honesty and trust not only thrive but also contribute positively to society. They become magnets for partnerships and investments, and they build lasting legacies.



In the world of business, intangible capital, such as honesty and trust, plays a crucial role. These qualities form the spirit of a business and are often more potent than financial resources alone. As you consider your own business journey, think about the kind of seed you’re planting: one for survival, success, or significance.

Remember that success in business is not just about making money; it’s about providing value, maintaining honesty, and earning trust. As you cultivate these intangible assets, you’ll find your business thriving and making a positive impact on your customers and society at large.

At Chirality Partners, we champion ethical and purpose-driven businesses. We help entrepreneurs and founders transform their business to beyond-profit entities that transcend generations.

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