Performance Review: Success Audit not Witch-hunting


Yaba is a bustling metropolis. Regarded by the techpreneurs as the Silicon Valley of Lagos state, Nigeria. There existed a vibrant tech company named Crunchy Codes. Among its talented employees, there was a dedicated software engineer named Kene, who was passionate about coding and constantly seeking ways to improve. Yet, like many employees, Kene occasionally found the annual performance review process to be daunting, tongue-lashing, and anxiety-inducing. Perhaps what his unserious colleagues must have made him feel.

One bright Monday morning, Kene received an email from his manager, Nse, titled, “Your Performance Review: Reflecting on Progress and Setting New Horizons.” Instantly, a mix of anticipation and apprehension filled his mind as he prepared for the review which was to take place in four days’ time.

As the day of the performance review arrived, Kene entered Nse’s office, where he greeted him warmly and invited him to take a seat. With a gentle smile, he began, “Kene, I want to express my appreciation for your dedication and hard work. Your contributions to our projects have been invaluable, and your passion for innovation is inspiring.”

Kene was pleasantly surprised by this opening remark. Nse’s words instantly put him at ease, making the review feel more like a conversation than an evaluation. He continued, “Now, let’s delve into your performance over the past year.”

Over the next hour, they discussed Kene’s accomplishments, his impact on projects, and the positive feedback he had received from colleagues. Nse also offered constructive criticism, pointing out areas where he could improve. The feedback was specific, actionable, and most importantly, framed in a way that motivated Kene to take action.

“Kene,” Nse said, “let’s talk about your goals for the last quarter of the year. What do you want to achieve, and how can we support your growth?”

They set clear, measurable objectives together and devised a plan for professional development, including training opportunities and mentorship. The review concluded with a sense of excitement and purpose. Kene left Nse’s office with a renewed sense of purpose and motivation.

Over the course of the remaining quarter of the year, Kene worked diligently to meet his goals and enhance his skills. He took Nse’s feedback to heart and actively sought opportunities for growth. The result? A stronger, more confident software engineer, who not only excelled in his role but also positively impacted his team and the company.

The tale of Kene’s performance review experience at Crunchy Codes highlights the importance and necessity of this process within organizations. Here’s why performance reviews are crucial:

1.  Employee Growth and Development: Performance reviews provide employees with an opportunity to reflect on their achievements, identify areas for improvement, and set goals for the future. This process is essential for personal and professional growth.

2.  Goal Alignment: It ensures that employees’ efforts align with the organization’s objectives, promoting a sense of purpose and direction among the workforce.

3.  Feedback and Communication: Performance reviews foster open and constructive communication between employees and managers. Feedback, both positive and constructive, strengthens the employee-manager relationship and enhances job satisfaction.

4.  Recognition and Motivation: Acknowledging employees’ accomplishments during performance reviews can boost morale and motivation. It reinforces the idea that their efforts are valued and recognized.

5.  Planning for Success: Setting clear goals and development plans during performance reviews enables employees and managers to plan for success, creating a roadmap for future achievements.

Crunchy Codes’ approach to performance reviews turned a once-daunting process into a catalyst for growth and success. It demonstrated that when done right, performance reviews can be transformative, empowering employees to reach new heights and driving organizations toward greater success.

So, as we navigate our own performance review journeys this third quarter, let’s remember the story of Kene and the importance of this process in our professional lives. Embrace it as an opportunity for growth, learning, and ultimately, a path to success.


At Chirality Partners, we believe and are vocal about putting this type of process in place to drive the team to achieve maximum input which in turn result to growth and expansion of any organization. Our hands on professionals as a repute in building systems that speaks to this. For us it a process that has come to stay and must be incorporate at any organization who mean well for themselves and their employees Come Partner with us today to express exponential growth in your business and the lives of your employees.

What is life if not to create a meaning out of it. This is our belief at Chirality Partners.

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